Clubs and organizations

The College of Forestry Ambassador Program

Ambassadors for Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources have the opportunity to develop and enhance their public speaking, time management skills, individual and group dynamics, prepare for student and pre-professional success and engage in activities that promote the College of Agricultural Sciences and the College of Forestry.


Forest Utilization Society (FUSE)

FUSE is dedicated to career development, fellowship, and awareness in forest products and forest product issues. FUSE participates in social events and volunteering, hosts guest speakers, and organizes field trips to local industries and mills.


Forestry Club

A current and future aim of the club is to create a closer relationship to the local community by sponsoring charitable fundraisers and donations. The Forestry Club is rich in tradition and has provided many valuable experiences for its members outside the academic arena. Forestry Club at OSU is an informal social group that encourages interaction between different majors within the College of Forestry through intercollegiate events, guest speakers, volunteer work, and field trips. The club organizes and sponsors numerous intercollegiate events, such as a logging sports team, forestor's ball, woodcuts, forestry club olympics, charity events, ski trips, and outdoor recreational activities. The club also works closely with the College administration to assist with various College events.


International Forestry Students Association, OSU Student Chapter

OSU-IFSA aims to enrich the formal education of OSU students by giving them a more global perspective on forestry issues; contribute to professional preparation for forestry students; promote networking among students and professionals from several disciplines; encourage improvements in forestry and natural resources education internationally; and provide opportunities to socialize with students from many countries. Regardless of the emphasis on forestry, the chapter is open to all OSU students and all topics related to conservation and natural resources find a forum at our club. OSU-IFSA was founded in October 2005, and is currently one of five active chapters in the U.S. IFSA represents forestry students from all over the world, facilitates communication among members, and offers opportunities for student exchanges, seminars, excursions and forestry competitions. IFSA now includes 52 forestry student associations in 33 countries. It is headquartered in Freiburg, Germany.


Society of American Foresters, OSU Student Chapter

The OSU SAF Student Chapter promotes professionalism in the field of forestry, encourages interaction between professional foresters and students, provides opportunities for taking part in active forest management projects, and helps educate the public about forest resources and their management. In addition, the SAF Student Chapter strives to build fellowship among students and provide an opportunity to openly discuss and debate forestry issues. SAF activities include a job fair, managing a Christmas tree farm, hosting guest speakers, participation in community natural resource education, and travel to State and National SAF Conventions. OSU was granted a charter by the Society of American Foresters (SAF) in the fall of 1980 to form a student chapter. Student members must be undergraduate or graduate students in programs closely related to forestry and natural resources. Both faculty and students are welcome.


Xi Sigma Pi

Xi Sigma Pi, a forestry honor society, was founded at the University of Washington in 1908. The Zeta Chapter was established at OSU in 1921. The society aims to secure and maintain a high standard of scholarship in forestry education, to work for the upbuilding of forestry, and to promote productive relations among earnest workers engaged in forestry activities. Xi Sigma Pi hosts the annual Xi Sigma Pi Chili Cook-Off and an End of the Year barbecue.


Natural Resources Club

Natural Resources Club focuses on students in the Natural Resources Major at OSU, and promotes hands-on experience through field trips and educational workshops.